Student Choreography
A dance choreographed by a student with no help from teachers or professionals of any kind.
A dancer who is paid for performing and/or teaching as a source of income. Competitive dancers who are teachers' assistants are still allowed to dance on a competitive basis within their own studio and are entitled to dance in a regular category.
Our Playhouse classification allows a performer with an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or some combination of these that prevents them from training at a competitive level. A separate overall will be awarded if enough entries are received in this classification. *Does not qualify for cash prizes.
A novice dancer is a performer that is new to the competition scene. A Novice Soloist may have competed before but not in a solo of any dance style. (Note: If performed a tap solo last season and this year the same soloist is performing a jazz solo, the dancer is NOT considered Novice in Jazz, as they've already performed a solo). A Novice group or line must be a minimum of 75% novice. Solo, duet or Trio entries must be 100% Novice. Separate overall will be awarded for the Novice categories. *Does not qualify for cash prizes.
A Pre-competitive dancer is a performer whose training is 5 hours or less per week. A PreCompetitive group or line must be a minimum of 75% Pre-competitive. Solo, duet, or trio entries must be 100% pre-competitive. If a dancer has more than 5 routines registered, their solos, duet/trios will have to be in Competitive classification. Separate overalls will be awarded for pre-competitive categories. (NOTE: Because no competition can possibly know how many hours a child dances or for how many years they have danced, teachers are left to their own sound judgement when entering routines). Routines that are obviously under-placed may be elevated by the judges.
A competitive dancer is a full competitive performer whose training is 5 hours or more per week. A competitive group or line must be a minimum of 75% competitive. Solo, duet or trio entries must be 100% Competitive. Overalls will be awarded for competitive categories.
Tap: Technique using percussive footwork that marks out precise rhythmic patterns on the floor. No tap sounds permitted in the music. (A separate Overalls will be awarded in tap categories, if enough entries are received).
Jazz: Routines must contain standard jazz technique and performance (extensions, elevations, turns, etc.). Min of 2 skilled acrobatic tricks allowed - cartwheels, shoulder rolls are permitted. (Jazz will be grouped with open, lyrical modern, contemporary & hip-hop for Overalls)
Modern Jazz: Basic jazz technique with free performance level influenced by modern and contemporary style. Max. 3 Acro tricks allowed. (Will be grouped with open, jazz, lyrical, modern, contemporary & hip-hop for Overalls)
Lyrical: Routines must have control and technique while expressing, interpreting the music and telling a story. Min of 2 skilled acrobatics allowed. cartwheels, shoulder rolls are permitted (Lyrical categories will grouped with open, jazz, modern, contemporary & hip-hop for overalls).
Hip-Hop: Routines to Hip-Hop music using dance techniques like, music video style, street dancing and/or break dancing. (SPINNING ON PERFORMERS’ HEAD IS NOT PERMITTED). Dances should be age appropriate. (Hip-Hop will be grouped with open, jazz, lyrical, modern & contemporary for Overalls. If enough entries are received, we will award separate Overalls for Hip-Hop Categories).
Ballet: Routines having classical ballet technique characterized by grace and precision of movement. (As Ballet is the core to all dance movement, a separate Overalls will be awarded, If enough entries are received).
Character Ballet: Routines having ballet technique but with characterization involving a theatrical element in which ballet dancing and music, often with scenery and costumes, combine to tell a story and establish an emotional atmosphere. (Character ballet will be grouped with ballet Overalls).
Pointe: Dancer must wear pointe shoes while executing ballet technique. (Pointe categories will be grouped with ballet for Overalls).
Open: Routines can contain any dance combination which do not fit into Jazz or Acro categories. A maximum of 4 acro tricks allowed. (Open categories will be grouped with jazz, lyrical, modern, contemporary & hip-hop for Overalls).
Alternative: Routines containing any dance combination which do not fit into specific genres. Example: Belly Dancing, clogging, Indian, Folk, Cultural dances, Interpretive, etc. (Alternative categories will be grouped with open, jazz, lyrical, modern, contemporary & hip-hop for Overalls).
Musical Theatre: A routine portraying a character[s] while telling a story. Lip synching is allowed. Other dance styles are acceptable to include. (A separate Overalls will be awarded in Musical Theatre categories, if enough entries are received).
Modern: Routine may have one or more styles of Modern technique using specific body movements with expression of emotion and abstract style. (Modern categories will be grouped with open, Jazz, lyrical, contemporary & hip-hop for Overalls).
Contemporary: Routine with fluid and unlimited personal style, not associated with any specific dance techniques. Dancer(s) must show strong emotional commitment. May involve balance, floor work, fall and recovery and improvisation with emphasis on the connection between mind and body. (Contemporary categories will be grouped with open, jazz, lyrical, modern & hip-hop for Overalls).
Song and Dance: Performer must sing own vocals while incorporating dance. No lip synching or lyrics in music. (Song & dance categories will be grouped with musical theatre in overalls).
Vocal: Performer must sing own vocals. No lip synching or lyrics in music. (Vocal categories will be grouped with musical theatre in overalls).
Acrobatic Dance: Routine using controlled acrobatic moves such as aerials, walkovers, hand and elbow stands, etc. The routine must include other dance elements and steps. (A separate Overalls will be awarded for Acro categories, if enough entries are received).
Production: Routines with 17+ dancers that tells a story through music and/or has a theme. Any style of dance is acceptable. (A separate overalls will be awarded for production categories. May be combined with Extended Groups if not enough entries are received).
Age is entered as of Dec.31, 2022. When calculating average age for groups, add all ages, divide by the number of performers and drop the decimal point. All categories will compete in their own age divisions, unless age divisions are grouped due to lack of entries.
6 & under [Cutie Division]
7,8,9 [Small Fry Division]
10,11,12 [Junior Division]
13,14,15 [Intermediate Division]
16,17,18,19 [Senior Division]
20 + [Adult Division]
Extended Group & Production = 17 + dancers
Large Group = 10 – 16 dancers
Small Group = 4 – 9 dancers
Trio = 3 dancers
Duet = 2 dancers
Soloist = 1 dancer