General Rules & Regulations
• Competition could be 1 to 4 days. Competitor must compete on scheduled day and time. Kick It Up reserves the right to add and subtract days due to entries.
• Any additional entries included after final schedule is sent will perform and receive a score. However, they will not be placed in the overalls. Independent entries will not be included in overalls.
• Competitors should be ready to perform 1 hour before their scheduled time, in case competition is ahead of schedule.
• Kick It Up Dance Competition reserves the right to move a competition location or date and to add/subtract days due to unforeseen circumstances. If enough entries are not received by Kick It Up, we reserve the right to cancel any competition.
• A competitor making a second attempt to a routine may be judged, but not eligible for overalls, Novice, Playhouse division is excluded from this rule but only one 2nd attempt is allowed. If a second attempt is made for Pre-Competitive or Competitive they will not be included in overalls.
• Only teachers and studio approved prop assistants can be backstage, all others will be asked to leave. Dancers are not allowed backstage, unless your routine is within the next 3 to 4 numbers.
• PHOTOGRAPHY and Video taping are strictly prohibited. No camera of any kind can be used during a performance. Since our events are “open door policy” we cannot monitor the possible attendance of people of “questionable” nature. We urge all studio owners, teachers and especially parents to keep our child performers photographically SAFE. If a camera is being used in the audience, a Kick It Up staff member will address the photographer personally with discretion. Failure to comply with this rule could result in disqualification! To redeem your media after the event go to Sign in (competitionwizard.com)
• Kick It Up Dance Competition makes every effort to align with reputable vendors (photographers, videographers, etc.) at various events. However, Kick It Up is not responsible for any unfulfilled orders resulting in a financial loss for the customer that may be caused as a direct result from the business practice of any of its vendors.
• It is understood that by entering the competition, competitors, parents, teachers, and directors give their permission to Kick It Up Dance Competition to use their pictures and performances for advertising or promotional material (e.g. Brochures, competition programs, website, television. video, etc). If anyone does not want their picture to be used, please advise Kick It Up in writing.
- For 'Small Studio' events, the general rule is 80 entries or less. The intent is to avoid the larger 'super schools'. However the term "Small Studio" is not defined by the number of entries, and is determined on an individual basis.
• FAMILY FRIENDLY POLICY: Kick It Up Dance Competition is dedicated to providing an environment that is FAMILY FRIENDLY. We realize that dance is an art form and crosses a broad range of styles and tastes. However, movements, music and costuming must be age appropriate and suitable for family viewing. If a routine or costuming is deemed too suggestive or not age appropriate, deductions will be taken. The use of dance themes such as rape, suicide, domestic violence, murder, sex, anorexia and dark undertones chosen and/or presented to audiences with a lack of “artistic discretion” is considered inappropriate. Again, we recognize this is extremely subjective and sensitive. Therefore, Kick It Up will individually address these performances as they surface at each particular event.
• THEATRE ETIQUETTE: Studio directors please pass along to your clients the importance of good social behavior during events. EX. Keeping debris to a minimum in change rooms, rehearsal halls, etc. NO eating or drinking in the theatre and/or stage area and PLEASE follow instructions printed on any signage posted.
• No smoking, eating or drinking in the competition area.
• At Kick It Up Dance Competition the decisions of the judges are final, the manner and method of the judging is solely within the discretion of Kick It Up Dance Competition and its judging panel.
• Upon entering Kick It Up Dance Competition, it is agreed that teachers, competitors, parents, and relatives will not hold Kick It Up Dance Competition directors, employees, the host facility and all involved in the competition responsible or liable for any damages, loss or personal injury which they may sustain while participating in any activity connected with this competition, no matter how caused, to either spectators or contestants. Dancers compete at their own risk.
• Dance school directors are responsible to ensure that each dancer's parent/legal guardian or dancer (if they are 18 or older) fills out the Kick It Up dancer waiver form on the Dancer Waiver Form tab of this website. Failure to do so could result in dancer not being allowed to participate in the competition and could result in disqualification from Kick it Up. No credit or refund option will be available to the studio in this case
• Teachers and studio directors are responsible to ensure that all tricks and movements performed by their dancers are technically appropriate to each dancer’s level or ability. Kick It Up Dance Competition and the host facility will not be held responsible for any injury that may be sustained during any dancers’ performances.
• The Kick It Up Dance Competition rules will be evaluated and enforced on an individual basis, based on what is deemed best for all parties involved.
• Kick It Up Dance Competition would like to remind all participants of the importance of “GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP” and conformance to the rules, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one’s competitors. Being a “good sport” involves being a “good winner” as well as being a “good loser”. Please bring this philosophy with you.
• Rules and Regulations are subject to change at any time without notice. Full details for Studios in the Director's area. Password needed. Email us for password.